Thursday, May 19, 2011


Gee...we are really bad at updating this.

In March we were thrilled to find the newest addition to our family


The photo above is the first time we saw her. David was checking the BCSPCA listings and found this little angel. We both IMMEDIATELY fell in love and were at the SPCA first thing the next day. We had already made up our minds before we got there...and she didn't make it very hard.

All set for next season!

So it's been a couple months and we're in the middle of dog training to help her stay a little calmer and to get along with other dogs better. It's going very well. She was a bit a of a crazy when we got her. Her old owners clearly let her do whatever she wanted and she had no boundaries or understanding about the order of who was alpha. She knows now! She's just an angel who LOVES to cuddle up on your lap. We are so happy that we found her and that she's likes us too!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Time flies!

Wow! It's been a while!

We're moving! We found a place with amazing space in a different area of Vancouver... a little more quiet and really exciting. With still quick access to the downtown area. We're so excited to move!!! A 2 bedroom place with space! It's our dream!!

Yesterday we went snowshoeing for the first time!!

The amazing view from Grouse Mountain

We headed straight to MEC right after to purchase our own pairs!! That's how enjoyable it was! Sadly we will be pretty busy with the move for the next couple weeks...but as soon as we are settled in we're heading right back up! We really hope the snow lasts a while longer

Earlier in the month we had the chance to go see the (untraded) Senators play in Vancouver!

Ran into some of the staff from our old bar in Victoria
The Garrick's Head

Spezza was back :D

They lost, but it was still a lot of fun! David was so excited to go! I was excited also, but I also see hockey games every it was nice to see a game sitting in a seat and not having to work!

We will try to keep this more updated with news...we have some really exciting news coming in the next few months!! Hopefully we'll have great photos of the new place soon!! To tide you over check out our Shutterfly share site to see all our photos! Also, Shawna updates her blog regularly, so be sure to check that out!